Business & Industry - Business Marketing and Finance

  • Where can i go with Marketing and Finance?

    HS Diploma/ On-the-Job Training

    Account Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Auctioneer, Audio Assistant, Bank Teller, Bookkeeper, Cashier, Collection Worker, Court Clerk, Customer Service Representative, Insurance Agent

    Jr/Technical/ Community College or Apprenticeship

    Account Auditor, Accountant Technician, Benefits Manager, Buyer, Wholesale & Retail Claims Adjuster, Systems Analyst, Cost Estimator, Credit Analyst, Credit Manager, Loan Specialist, Stockbroker

    Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree, Doctorate

    Accountant, Account Executive, Actuary, Bank Manager, CPA, CFO, City Manager, Computer Systems Analyst, Director of Finance, Education Administrator, Financial Manager, Information Technology Specialist, Purchasing Agent

  • How can I gain experience?

    School Activities

    Academic Competition, Career and Technology Education Leadership Organizations, National Honor Society, Science Fairs, Student Government Club Officer

    Community Activities

    Club Treasurer, Part-Time Employment, Community Service Volunteer, Officer for Community Clubs and Organizations

    College Majors

    Accounting, Accounting and Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Accounting Technology and Bookkeeping, Auditing, Banking and Financial Support Services, Credit Management, Finance, Financial Planning, International Finance

Related High School Courses - Marketing and Finance

    • Accounting 1&2
    • Banking and Financial Services
    • Marketing and Finance
    • Business Management
    • Principles of Business,
    • Marketing and Finance
    • Business Management Practicum
    • Business Law
    • Marketing Dynamics
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Statistics
  • Business, MArketing and Finance HEader

    The computer explosion of the 1980s and 1990s has proliferated business, management, and administration careers. Literally millions of new job opportunities are available that were never possible before. Not only have new careers been created, but also every phase of the existing business, management, and administration cluster has been adapted or upgraded. A major thrust is on information and analysis processing. Now with such state-of-the-art technology as fax machines, modems, E-mail, voice mail, and call waiting, information can be processed across the office or across the country in seconds. Businesses can track railroad cars or mail deliveries, can maintain more accurate inventories, and can use the data analysis to market their products and ideas. The business, management, and administration programs provide students with the latest technology and opportunities to develop background knowledge. The knowledge and the skills learned in the indicated courses will enable students to pursue a career in this cluster.




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