The Hospitality and Tourism career cluster includes three major categories: food service; hotel management; and arts, entertainment, and recreation. Food services may be the world's most widespread and familiar industry. These establishments include all types of restaurants, from casual fast-food eateries to formal, elegant dining establishments. The food services industry comprises about 500,000 places of employment in large cities, small towns, and rural areas across the United States. With about 8.9 million wage and salary jobs in 2004, this industry ranks among the Nation's leading employers. Hotels and other accommodations are as diverse as the many family and business travelers they accommodate. The industry includes all types of lodging, from upscale hotels to RV parks. Motels, resorts, casino hotels, bed-and-breakfast inns, and boarding houses are also included. In fact, in 2004 nearly 62,000 establishments provided overnight accommodations to suit many different needs and budgets. As leisure time and personal incomes have grown across the Nation, so has the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry. This industry includes about 115,000 establishments, ranging from art museums to fitness centers. Practically any activity that occupies a person's leisure time, excluding the viewing of motion pictures and video rentals, is part of the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry. The diverse range of activities offered by this industry can be categorized into three broad groups—live performances or events; historical, cultural, or educational exhibits; and recreation or leisure-time activities.
Culinary Arts 1
Course ID: G0351A/B
Credit: 2
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This laboratory-based course begins with the fundamentals and principles of the art of food preparation and includes management and production skills and techniques. Students can pursue a national sanitation certification and other appropriate industry certifications. The knowledge and skills required for careers in the restaurant, food, and beverage industry are practiced as food is prepared for campus based restaurant.Culinary Arts 2
Course ID: G03520
Credit: 2
Grades: 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: Culinary Arts 1
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Students continue to refine their knowledge and skills required for careers in the restaurant, food, and beverage industry. Students can pursue a national sanitation certification and other appropriate industry certifications. Lab activities involve food production for a campus based restaurant.Culinary Arts 3
Course ID: G03530
Credit: 2
Grades: 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: Culinary Arts 1 and 2
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Students continue to learn and practice advanced knowledge and skills related to the restaurant, food and beverage industry also, students will have the opportunity to intern at the BCTAL Bistro to learn and master skills and apply world applications. Students will also continue to earn nationally recognized certifications. Additionally, students will be provided project-based learning opportunities and will master the skills needed to succeed in the industry and postsecondary education.WBLCulinary Arts (Extended Practicum)
Course ID: G03540
Credit: 3
Grades: 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?In this work-based learning program, students will secure a job for the school year in the restaurant, food and beverage industry which is evaluated by the classroom teacher and employer. Students are required to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Students continue to learn and practice advanced knowledge and skills related to the restaurant, food and beverage industry. Students will also continue to earn nationally recognized certifications. Additionally, students will be provided opportuniti es participate in a learning experience that combines classroom instructions with real-world career opportunities.Introduction to Event and Meeting Planning
Course ID: G25000
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This course will introduce students to the concepts and topics necessary for the comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of the meetings, conventions, events, and exposition industries. The course will review the roles of the organizations and people involved in the businesses that comprise the Meetings, Events, Expositions and Convention (MEEC) industry.Hotel Management BLK
Course ID: G25070
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Emphasizes the principles of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the business management of a variety of hotel establishments and food service operations. Students gain insight into the operation of a well-run restaurant and hotel. Students are required to take both Hotel and Restaurant Management.Restaurant/Culinary BLK
Course ID: G25080
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Emphasizes the principles of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the business management of a variety of hotel establishments and food service operations. Students gain insight into the operation of a well-run restaurant and hotel. Students are required to take both Hotel and Restaurant Management.Travel and Tourism Management/Prin Hospitality & Tourism
Course ID: G25050
Credit: 2
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Orientation into the Sabre computer system for planning of cruises, air reservations, car rental, hotel accommodations and rail service. Also, includes sales and marketing, human resources, accounting, security and engineering. Instruction delivered through school-based pre-employment lab training or through work-based delivery arrangements.Tourism Marketing Concepts and Applications
Course ID: G25010
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Tourism Marketing Concepts and Applications will provide students with a thorough understanding of marketing concepts and theories that apply to the travel and tourism industry to include lodging, food and beverage operations, recreation, amusements, attractions,convention and visitors¡¯ bureaus and tourism companies. While general concepts of marketing for travel and tourism are similar to the marketing of other products and services, the travel and tourism industry has unique characteristics th at create a variety of challenges and opportunities specific to and important for tourism channels for a product. They will also be introduced to the concepts of markets, marketmarketing professionals. Students will learn broad tourism marketing concepts such as understanding a product/service, pricing out a product/service, with a focus on direct sales and the placement or distribution channels for a product. They will also be introduced to the concepts of markets, market segmentation, and custPracticum in Hospitality Services
Course ID: G25060
Credit: 2
Grades: 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Integrates academic and career and technical education; provides more interdisciplinary instruction; and supports strong partnerships among schools, businesses, and community institutions with the goal of preparing students with a variety of skills in a fast-changing workplace. Students learn employability skills applicable to their training plan, job interview techniques, communication skills, financial and budget activities, human relations, and portfolio development.Food Science
Course ID: X03800
Credit: 1
Grades: 11, 12
Location: BHS, HHS, RHS
Department/ Program of Study: Hospitality and Tourism
Required: Three units of science, including Chemistry and Biology
Recommended: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Course Description:?This technical lab course addresses food science principles; nutrition and wellness; food technology; world food supply; managing multiple family, community and wage-earner roles; and career options in nutrition, food science and food technology. Instructional topics include diet-related disorders, diets appropriate to the life cycle and other factors, therapeutic diets, chemical and physical changes that affect food safety and sanitation standards, market research, legal issues and food policie s.
If you have any questions about courses, please contact your campus counselor(s) for assistance.
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