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    as of 3/8/1

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    as of 4/29/1





    Voters reject 91ÖÆƬ³§’S $183.2 million bond package
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    91ÖÆƬ³§ voters are being asked to consider a bond proposal for the May 11, 2013 ballot totaling $183.2 million. The plan was developed with extensive community input from a diverse group of citizens from all parts of the district. The final proposal addresses safety and security at every campus, renovations and upgrades to facilities, consolidating four campuses into two, and technology upgrades districtwide.

    Under the proposal, all campuses in the district will receive upgrades, renovations or be rebuilt.

    Bond Highlights

    • Eliminates more than 65 portable classrooms across the district
    • Consolidation of four of the oldest and smallest elementary schools into two new schools, which would save approximately $15 million in operating costs over the next 10 years. These are: Birdville and Richland elementary schools, and Francisco and Smith elementary schools.
    • Major renovations such as replacing aging roofs; HVAC, electrical and plumbing upgrades, as well as adding energy management systems that will result in significant savings
    • Replace facilities that are between 50 and 65 years old with modern facilities that require less money to operate and maintain. These are: North Richland Middle School, the Academy at West Birdville Elementary and Smithfield Elementary School.
    • New computers and mobile devices, Internet connectivity for wireless devices, and student access to technology used in the classroom.
    • Additional safety and security measures throughout the district 
    • New or upgraded science labs throughout the district 
    • Relocate the Horticulture and Animal Science program from Richland High School to the Birdville Center of Technology and Advanced Learning to serve students from all three high schools in the district. 
    • Board will appoint a community bond oversight committee to monitor the scope, timeline and expenditure of the bond funds.

    Financial Information
    If 91ÖÆƬ³§ voters approve this bond package, it will increase property taxes approximately $4.35 per month on a house valued at one hundred thousand dollars. Residents age 65 or older will see no increase in their property taxes above their capped level as a result of this bond.

    Voting Information
    Early Voting runs April 29 through May 7.
    Election Day is May 11.

  • Voting Information
    Early Voting
    April 29 - May 7*
    (*Tarrant county allows early voting to be done at any voting site within the county)
    General Election Day
    Saturday, May 11 
    (*Check the newspaper or the district's website for voting locations.) 
    If you have any further questions you may email the communications department at: 2013Bond@birdvilleschools.net or call 817-547-5799.