Autism 101: Top Ten Pieces to the Puzzle (FA1840475)
This course provides information the components of autism spectrum disorders. In this online course, participants will be able to define the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders and identify evidence-based strategies to address the behavioral, social and communication needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. This course is a training module developed by the Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training as a part of a comprehensive training series in Autism Spectrum Disorders.En Espanol
Autismo 101: Las 10 Piezas Principales Del Rompecabezas (FA1840576)En este capitación, los participantes podrán definir las características de los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo, así como identificar estrategias basadas en la investigación a fin de tratar las necesidades conductuales, sociales y de comunicación de los individuos con Trastornos del Espectro del Autismo.
Benefits of This Course:
Access training on-line:
• At home
• At school
• At the library6 Hours each of Educational Training Free !!!!
How to Register
1. Visit
2. Log into the E-campus system. If you do not have an account already set-up, please do so.
3. Once logged in with your account information, enter the Workshop ID.
4. Click the Register button.
Who is this for?Educators, Parents, General PublicWho do I contact for more information?Amanda Kluck
amanda.kluck@esc13.txed.net512-919-5321Evaluation Standards1 - Planning, T-TESS 3 - Learning Environment, T-TESS 1.3 - Planning: Knowledge of Students, T-TESS 3.1 - Learning Environment: Classroom Environment Routines and Procedures, T-TESS 3.2 - Learning Environment: Managing Student BehaviorThe Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC released new data that show an average of 1 in every 110 children in certain parts of the United States has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). -CDC ()
Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism
These courses were developed by the Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism in cooperation with the 20 Education Service Centers across the state with funding from the Texas Education Agency.
Other Resources Available:
• TARGET: Texas Autism Guide for Effective Teaching
• Model Sites Project Information
• Additional ResourcesAutism is serious… Your education should be too.