Title I – Elementary and Secondary Education Act
How does my school district receive Title I dollars?
Title I funds are targeted to the districts, schools and students with the “greatest need.” Funds flow to school districts through a formula based on the most recent Census count of poverty families residing in the state and in the district. Once the funds are sent to a district, funds flow from the district to campuses within that district that have the highest poverty rate, based on free and reduced lunch counts.
Title I schools have higher than the district’s average of poverty students. Intended beneficiaries of Title I services are students who are academically disadvantaged, not necessarily economically disadvantaged. Texas receives well over a billion dollars every year to fund Title I programs.
What services does Title I provide?
Title I funds generally are used to improve academic achievement in reading and math. Title I funds are flexible, and can be used to provide professional development for teachers; support hiring additional teachers and classroom aides; improve curriculum; enhance parent involvement; extend learning time for students who need extra help; and provide other activities that are tied to raising student achievement.
What does the term "Title I schoolwide program" mean?
A school that receives Title I funds and has a student enrollment in which 40% or more of the students are low-income, is eligible to operate a "schoolwide program." Schoolwide programs require the campus improvement plan to provide strategies to improve the academic achievement of all students in the school using Title I resources.
Schoolwide is the inclusion model for Title I services. On a schoolwide campus, all students are Title I students and all teachers are Title I teachers.
How does Title I funding break down by grade level?
Of the 11 million Title I students in the United States, about two-thirds are enrolled in grades preK-6, with one-third in grades 7-12. Title I serves well over 250,000 preschool children in the nation.
What about children with disabilities?
Children with disabilities are eligible for Title I services if the school and the student meets the Title I eligibility criteria. Title I services well over one million students with disabilities in the United States.
For more information, contact:
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20202
(202) 301-4000
For more information, contact:
Texas Education Agency
NCLB Division
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 463-9374
For more information, contact:
Dr. Missy Glenn,
Executive Director of Finance & Federal Programs
Kinzie Morgan Mallott,
Assistant Director of Federal Programs
6125 East Belknap Street
Haltom City, Texas 76117