The focus in the Arts, AV Technology and Communications (AAVTC) Career Cluster is on occupations involving areas such as journalism, performing arts, creative arts and crafts, and media services; however, students in liberal arts programs also pursue such careers as business, industry, government, medicine, law, and other professions. In this focus area, the emphasis is on creativity and communications. Students will hone critical thinking, writing, and speaking skills. They will learn to analyze, classify, compare, discriminate, criticize, and evaluate the experiences which life offers; then they will learn to use these faculties both to develop the principles by which they will live and to master the knowledge, skills, and techniques appropriate to their more particular career ambitions.
Programs of Study
Digital Communications
JRN Principles Arts A/V & Communications (G1280A/B)
Professional Communications (G03430)
Principles of A/V Technology and Communications (M87000)
Audio Video Production 1 (G0340A/B)
Advanced Video Production 2 Dual Credit (X0330A/B)
Advanced Audio Production 2 (G0345A/B)
Practicum Video Production 3 (G0335A/B)
Practicum Audio Production 3 (G0347A/B)
Graphic Design and Multimedia Arts
JRN Principles Arts A/V & Communications (G1280A/B)
Digital Media (G2840A/B)
Computer Programming/Video Game Design 1 (G0760A/B)
Principles of A/V Technology and Communications (M87000)
Commercial Photography (G1350A/B)
Graphic Design & Illustration (G2850A/B)
Animation (G2870A/B)
Fashion Design (G1870A/B)
Game Design 2 (G07700)
Yearbook 2 Advanced Graphic Design & Illustration (G1300A/B)
Graphic Design & Illustration 2 (G2860A/B)
Animation 2 (G2880A/B)
Fashion Design 2 (G1871A/B)
Game Design 3 (G07800)
Yearbook 3 Practicum Graphic Design & Illustration (G1310A/B)
E Sports (G2441A/B)
Printing and Imaging
Newspaper 1 Printing and Imaging Technology (G1320A/B)
Newspaper 2 Printing and Imaging Technology 2 (G1330A/B)
Newspaper 3 Practicum Printing and Imaging Technology (G1340A/B)
Audio/Video Equipment Technician, Broadcast Technician, Musician, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Fashion Designer, Artist, Journalism, Broadcasting, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts.