Frequently Asked Questions
Who makes decisions on what level of support (tier) that my child will receive?
Posted by:The decision is made by a committee of all stakeholders that work with the students. The committee looks at a variety of information including, but not limited to: testing, state screeners, classroom performance, and attendance.
How is MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) different from RtI (Response to Intervention)?
Posted by:RTI is target intervention and MTSS is a framework that focuses on the whole child.
Response to Intervention (RtI) is an approach that schools use to help all students, including struggling learners. The RtI approach gives Texas students opportunities to learn and work at their grade level.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a framework that focuses on intervention best practices within the areas of academic, behavior, and social/emotional support for the whole child. Tiers are based on the student and increase the level of support provided as a student moves from classroom-wide to target and intense interventions.
How does the MTSS process relate to students with dyslexia?
Posted by:Students who are struggling with reading, or showing early risk factors associated with dyslexia, may receive interventions through MTSS.
Tiered intervention programs play an important role in providing access to research-based interventions for struggling students.
A referral for a full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) can occur at any point in the MTSS process, and MTSS is not required prior to any referrals for special education services.