• Why Advocate?

    Advocacy: the act of speaking on behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing.

    There are many forms to use when advocating: letter writing, emails and phone campaigns. We all lead busy lives, so it’s important to know that advocating doesn’t have to take much time.

    Here are several ways to advocate in 30 minutes or less:

    Estimated Time           What You Can Do

    • 1 minute                        Leave a phone message
    • 5 minutes                      Make a phone call
    • 5 minutes                      Write a postcard
    • 10 minutes                    Send an email to all the people you know who have email
    • 30 minutes                    Write a letter to the editor of the PTA newsletter
    • 30 minutes                    Write and email a letter to the editor of the local paper
    • 30 minutes                    Write and email a press release to the local newspaper
    • 30 minutes                    Meet with your legislator (plus travel time).



    Whether you are writing a letter/email or calling your legislator, here are a few tips that the National Education Association recommends:

    • Keep it brief: Discuss one bill or issue in a letter/email.
    • Identify Yourself: Include your name and organization you represent.
    • Get to the Point: Follow your introduction with a brief statement of your issue or concern.
    • Relate it to Home: Help the legislator understand why your position is important to his or her constituents. Include specific facts about how a bill will impact educators, students or schools in the legislator’s district.
    • Allow for Follow Up: Include specific contact information and offer to act as a resource should the legislator or staff have questions or need additional information. State in the letter that you will follow up with a telephone call.
    • Address the Letter/Email Correctly: Use correct title of Senator, Representative and include “ U.S. /Texas House of Representative” or “U.S./Texas Senate”.

    In an email, you will want to make sure that you:

    • Avoid informal language
    • Include your full address and zip code