e-review Birdville Independent School District Board Meeting Update Header
  • July 25, 2024 | Vol. 46, No. 1


  • Eighteen 91ÖÆƬ³§ Special Olympians were recognized for their efforts at the state Special Olympics Track Meet in San Antonio. They were: Alex Cohen, Jayden Garrett, Natalie Hill, Adyson Olivares, Delaney Roberts, Justin Romero Lopez, Ben Cohen (graduate), Frankie Flores (graduate), Shakeb Syed (graduate), Brianna Thomas (graduate), Betsy Flores, Brittney Gallegos, Edward Harris, Jasmyn Deanda (graduate), Ivan Dunlap (graduate), Kamryn Starks (graduate), Noviyah Gonzalez, and Alan Marquez (graduate). 

    Students in 91ÖÆƬ³§’s Educators Rising chapter competed in the 2024 Educators Rising National Conference Competition. The winners recognized were:  

    • Anabel Davison, Richland High School, placed first in the Educators Rising Moment competition; 

    • Olivia McGuire, Richland High School, placed first in the Job Interview competition; 

    • Kimberly Munoz, Birdville High School, placed second in the Children’s Literature K-3 Spanish competition; 

    • Bailey Francisco, Richland High School, placed third in the Interactive Bulletin Board competition; and 

    • Danna Echeverria, Birdville High School, placed third in the Interactive Bulletin Board competition. 

Summary of Actions

  • Approved the donations from: 

    • Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. to the Instruction and Advanced Academics Department. 

    Approved the Dual-Credit Instructional Agreement renewal with Tarrant County College. 

    Approved the memorandum of understanding for the Collegiate Academy of Birdville and Facilities Use Agreement with Tarrant County College. 

    Approved the College Advising Corps Memorandum of Understanding?with Texas Christian University. 

    Approved the 2024–25 Student Code of Conduct and Extracurricular Honor Code. 

    Approved Board Vice President Ralph Kunkel as an official voting delegate and Board President Kris Drees as an alternate delegate to the 2024 TASB Delegate Assembly. 

    Approved changing the?Board Meeting dates in September, November and December. The November and December meetings fall during holiday periods. The changes are: Tuesday, Sept. 24, Thursday, Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. and Thursday, Dec. 19 at 7 p.m. 

    Approved the District’s Concussion Oversight Team (COT). Team members are:? Dr.?Damond Blueitt, Adrian Rosales, Brandon Stafford, and Jared Whitmire.? 

    Approved the 2024–25 T-TESS appraisal calendar. 

    Approved the 2024–25 T-PESS appraisal calendar. 

    Approved the 2024–25 budget amendment for 2023–24 incomplete projects. 

    Approved the agreement for the purchase of attendance credit from TEA and delegated contractual authority to the superintendent. 

    Approved the Interlocal Agreement between Tarrant County College and 91ÖÆƬ³§ related to data sharing. 

Personnel Report

  • > . 

Bids/Contracts/Final Payments Awarded

  • Approved the bids/purchases for: 

    • Instructional materials, software, teaching aids, library materials and other published materials from multiple vendors;
    • Awards, trophies, promotional and spirit wear items from multiple vendors;
    • Fresh baked pizza for Child Nutrition from Ampex Brands; and
    • Microsoft software licenses renewal from SHI International Corporation. 

    Approved the final payment to: 

    • Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for the demolition of the old Smith Elementary campus; and
    • Gliden Industries, LLC for the Fine Arts/Athletics Complex waterproofing project.

Future Board Meeting

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, open session at 7 p.m., Boardroom. 

  • This is my 91ÖÆƬ³§