The Character Counts Club, also known as C-3, is a community service based group. Anyone is welcome to join and there is no application although you must complete a Code of Honor/Ethics and have your parent(s) sign it. Our meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Lecture Hall at 3:00pm. To be a member, you must attend 4 meetings for the year.
Some words that describe our members are dedicated, caring, honest, compassionate, conscientious, and responsible. If this sounds like you, then you need to join us! REMIND: Text @BHSC3 to 08010
The Volunteer opportunities are emailed on a regular basis and the students are encouraged to participate. Some may already be volunteering at various places so why not get credit and earn a letter jacket and an honors cord for graduation. You will also be recognized at the Community Reception in March. Not to mention, it looks great on college applications! The best part of being in this club is the personal satisfaction knowing that you helped someone else in need. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me. We look forward to working with you and supporting you in your goals!
Click here for official log form