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  • Concerns - Complaints - Grievances

    For more information, please see policy .

    Informal Complaint Process

    The 91ÖÆƬ³§ Board of Trustees encourages students and parents to discuss their concerns with the appropriate teacher, principal, or other campus administrator who has the authority to address the concerns. Concerns should be expressed as soon as possible to allow early resolution at the lowest possible administrative level.

    Contact the Staff Member

    More than 95% of concerns are resolved by a conversation between those involved. The most direct route to resolving a concern is to confer directly with the staff member involved (teacher, coach, etc.). Usually, these concerns can be resolved by a phone call or conference with the staff member. 

    Contact the Campus Administrator

    The principal and assistant principal(s) are responsible for the operation of the school. Explanations of policies, procedures, clarifications of campus processes, and all types of campus information are available in campus administration offices.

    Informal resolution of issues is encouraged, but shall not extend any deadlines in the complaint or grievance policy, except by mutual written consent.

    Formal Complaint Process

    A student or parent may initiate the formal process by timely filing a written complaint form. The student or parent initiating the complaint must show how he or she is directly affected by the District's action or decision that is the basis for the complaint.

    Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students and parents are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student or parent whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.

    The process described here shall not be construed to create new or additional rights beyond those granted by law or Board policy, nor to require a full evidentiary hearing or “mini-trial” at any level.

    For information about this process, please contact the Executive Director of Student Services  at 817-547-5790