• Immunization Requirements


    All students must be immunized against certain diseases or must present a notarized waiver for medical/religious exemption. All immunizations must be current when enrolling in school and remain current throughout the year. It is important that you review your child's records prior to his/her enrollment each year. 

    All incoming 7th grade students will need the following immunizations in order to attend school. He/she can get these two vaccinations any time on or after the 11th birthday, but they must be on file before the first day of 7th grade. 

    • Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertusis (TDaP)  Required for entry to 7th grade if at least five years have passed since the last dose of tetanus.  
    • Meningococcal (MCV-4) One dose is required for entry to 7th grade.

    You can send your child's updated immunization record to brennan.goff@birdvilleschools.net or fax to 817-547-5205.  Paper copies can be dropped off in the nurse's blue box.

    Please ensure these are up to date prior to your child's first day of school so they stay compliant with the law. Thank you! 

    Where can my child get his/her immunizations?

    Your primary care physician (private insurance or Medicaid)

      (uninsured or Medicaid) 


    Click here to see How to see my child's immunization record on Skyward.

    Exemption Info for School Immunizations:

    What immunizations does the state require for my child?: