• Stay up to date with current information about the

    Senior Class of 2025 by subscribing to Remind Texts.

     Text the following code based off of the first letter of your last name: 

    Last Name A-E: @bird2025AE to 81010

    Last Name F-L: @bird2025FL to 81010

    Last Name M-S: @bird2025MS to 81010

    Last Name T-Z: @bird2025TZ to 81010

    Parent Remind:

    Due to the 150-person limit for Remind accounts, we ask that all senior parents join one of the following accounts we have set up for parents. Thank you.

    Student Last Name A-M: @birdp25am to 81010

    Student Last Name N-Z: @birdp25nz to 81010


    Senior Class of 2024 by subscribing to Remind Texts.

     Text the following code based off of the first letter of your last name: 

    Last Name A-E: @bird2024AE to 81010

    Last Name F-L: @bird2024FL to 81010

    Last Name M-S: @bird2024MS to 81010

    Last Name T-Z: @bird2024TZ to 81010


    Parent Remind:

    Due to the 150 person limit for Remind accounts, we ask that all senior parents join one of the following accounts we have set up for parents. Thank you.

    Student Last Name A-M: @birdp24am to 81010

    Student Last Name N-Z: @birdp24nz to 81010