English 1 for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL 1)
Course ID: S10010
Credit: 1
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) recommendation
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This course is intended for emergent bilingual students who have a LAS Links or TELPAS score of beginner or intermediate in Reading or Writing and are within their first year in U.S. schools. These students are provided with language development while progressing through an aligned curriculum that addresses English Language Arts and Reading skills as well as the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). This course may substitute for English 1.English 2 for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL 2)
Course ID: S10020
Credit: 1
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: Completion of ESOL 1 or Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) recommendation. Note: Upon successful completion of ESOL 2, students must enroll in on-level courses.
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This course is intended for emergent bilingual students who have a LAS Links or TELPAS score of beginner or intermediate in Reading or Writing and are within their second year in U.S. schools. These students are provided with language development while progressing through an aligned curriculum that addresses English Language Arts and Reading skills as well as the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). This course may substitute for English 2.English 1
Course ID: S10300
Credit: 1
Grades: 9
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: None
Recommended: None
Course Description:?Offers an integrated approach to a variety of literature (poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and nonfiction) through which students apply language skills orally and in writing.English 1 Honors
Course ID: S10304
Credit: 1
Grades: 9
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: None
Recommended: None
Course Description:?This course offers differentiated processes, content and products, while following requirements of English 1. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of complex projects or labs with complex problem solving.English 2
Course ID: S10600
Credit: 1
Grades: 10
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: Successful completion of English 1 or English 1-SOL.
Recommended: English I
Course Description:?Focuses on analyzing selected works of literature in fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. Integrating grammar, composition, and vocabulary skills with rich reading experiences, provides opportunities both written and oral.English 2 Honors
Course ID: S10604
Credit: 1
Grades: 10
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 1 or English 1-SOL.
Recommended: English I Honors
Course Description:?Stretching students¡¯ reading, writing, listening, speaking and thinking skills, this study of world literature emphasizes critical and creative responses to works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama as it concurrently provides occasions and audiences for all types of expository discourse. Extra time is required on the part of the Honors student for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of complex projects or labs with complex problem solving.English 3
Course ID: S10900
Credit: 1
Grades: 11
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: Successful completion of English 2 or English 2-SOL.
Recommended: English II
Course Description:?Representative readings from American historical documents, essays, dramas, short stories, poetry and novels, integrates the study of grammar and vocabulary in meaningful writing experiences. A focal point is the research project, a requirement that gives students experience synthesizing information from a various sources.English 4
Course ID: S11200
Credit: 1
Grades: 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: Successful completion of English 3.
Recommended: English III
Course Description:?This integrated study of English/World literature, composition, grammar and vocabulary reinforces the critical reading and writing skills essential for college entrance. The course affords senior students opportunities to connect America¡¯s British roots to their contemporary world through various reading, writing, listening, speaking and thinking activities.AP English Language and Composition/English 3 AP
Course ID: S10905
Credit: 1
Grades: 11
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 2 or English 2 SOL.
Recommended: English 2 Honors
Course Description:?Prepares students to complete the AP Language and Composition Examination in May. Students will read, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate selected examples of American and English prose and poetry, focusing on non-fiction argumentation and stylistic and rhetorical strategies. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will be expected to take the AP English Language and Composition exam in May.AP English Literature and Composition/English 4 AP
Course ID: S11200
Credit: 1
Grades: 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 3 or English 3 AP.
Recommended: AP English Language and Composition
Course Description:?An intensive study of selected world and British literature, this course encourages honor seniors to make reading /writing con-nections that reinforce their analysis, application, and synthesis skills as they explore the human experience. A vast array of oral and written activities prepares the students for success on the AP Exam. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will be expected to take the AP English Literature and Composition exam in May.Business English
Course ID: X21201
Credit: 1
Grades: 12
Location: BCTAL
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 3
Recommended: Touch Systems Data Entry
Course Description:?Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communications, and reasoning skills and apply them to the business environment. Plan, draft, and complete written compositions on a regular basis and edit their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of conventions and mechanics of written English. (May substitute for English 4 on all endorsements except Multidisciplinary)College Preparatory English
Course ID: S13000
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: RHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English III
Recommended: English III
Course Description:?This course will study topics in English such as foundational reading skills and the skills necessary for college level writing. This course if recommended for students who plan to attend TCC and scored below a 4000 (meets grade level) on the English 1 or English 2 EOC. This course will replace the 4th year of English for high school graduation requirements. This course follows the TCC grading guidelines.Creative Writing
Course ID: S13100
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: Students need an 85 average for the last two semesters in English or teacher approval. Students must have a 4 or above (2/2) on their most recent STAAR essay. This writing course is designed especially to challenge the imagination and creativity of the student by encouraging spontaneity of expression by increasing awareness of the power of language, and by refining the individual original characteristics of language style in various literary genres. We will focus on the writing of poetry, creati
Recommended: English III
Course Description:?The study of creative writing allows high school students to earn one credit while developing versatility as a writer. Creative Writing, a rigorous composition course, asks high school students to demonstrate their skill in such forms of writing as fictional writing, short stories, poetry, and drama. All students are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the recursive nature of the writing process, effectively applying the conventions of usage and the mechanics of written English. The stud ents¡¯ evaluation of their own writing as well as the writing of others ensures that students completing this course are able to analyze and discuss published and unpublished pieces or writing, develop peer and self-assessments for effective writing, and set their own goals as writers.Reading 1
Course ID: G17100
Credit: 1
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This course is designed for regular education students who are below grade level in reading and who require more intensive reading instruction. These classes have a lower student-toteacher ratio in order for students to receive individual reading programs based on students needs. Teachers provide systematic instruction in word study and comprehension based on student needs. Computer-aided technology may be utilized to further individualize student learning and to track student growth.Reading 2
Course ID: G17200
Credit: 1
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This course is designed for regular education students who are below grade level in reading and who require more intensive reading instruction. These classes have a lower student-toteacher ratio in order for students to receive individual reading programs based on students needs. Teachers provide systematic instruction in word study and comprehension based on student needs. Computer-aided technology may be utilized to further individualize student learning and to track student growth.Reading 3
Course ID: G17300
Credit: 1
Grades: 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS, SHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?This course is designed for regular education students who are below grade level in reading and who require more intensive reading instruction. These classes have a lower student-toteacher ratio in order for students to receive individual reading programs based on students needs. Teachers provide systematic instruction in word study and comprehension based on student needs. Computer-aided technology may be utilized to further individualize student learning and to track student growth.Debate
Course ID: S14300
Credit: 1
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12
Location: HHS, RHS, BHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: N/A
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Controversial issues arise in aspects of personal, social public, and professional life in modern society. Debate and argumentation are widely used to make decisions and reduce conflict. Students who develop skills in argumentation and debate become interested in current issues, develop sound critical thinking, and sharpen communication skills. They acquire lifelong skills for intelligently approaching controversial issues. Debate offers students opportunities to develop research, critical and a nalytical thinking, problem solving, persuasion, social and oral communication skills. Through participation in Policy (CX), Lincoln Douglas (value), and other forms of debate, students learn to clarify their own positions on social, moral, and political issues as well as to respect dissenting viewpoints. Debate prepares students for careers in law, education, business, religion, broadcasting, public affairs, and other professions requiring critical thinking and organization. Participation in coEnglish Composition I DUAL CREDIT (TWU 1013A | TCC 1301A)
Course ID: S1090D - TCC S1091D - TWU S1092D - BCTAL
Credit: 3 semester college hours
Grades: 11 or 12
Location: HHS, BHS, RHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: TSI compliant in writing
Recommended: English 2 Honors
Course Description:?Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis.English Composition II DUAL CREDIT (TWU 1023B | TCC 1302B)
Course ID: S1090D - TCC S1091D - TWU S1092D - BCTAL
Credit: 3 semester college hours
Grades: 11
Location: HHS, BHS, RHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English Composition I
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?Intensive study if and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis, and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions.British Literature I DUAL CREDIT (TWU 2013A | TCC 2322A)
Course ID: S1160D - TCC S1161D - TWU S1162D - BCTAL
Credit: 3 semester college hours
Grades: 12
Location: HHS, BHS, RHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 1013 or 1301
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?A survey of the development of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Eighteenth Century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions.British Literature II DUAL CREDIT (TWU 2013B | TCC 2322B)
Course ID: S1170D - TCC S1171D - TWU S1172D - BCTAL
Credit: 3 semester college hours
Grades: 12
Location: HHS, BHS, RHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 1013 or 1301
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?A survey of the development of the Romantic period to the present. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions.American Literary Masterpieces DUAL CREDIT (TWU2033)
Course ID:
Credit: 3 semester college hours
Grades: 12
Location: HHS
Department/ Program of Study: English Language Arts
Required: English 1013 or 1301
Recommended: N/A
Course Description:?A survey of major works of American literature studied in chronological order. Students will study works of American authors in relation to their historical and cultural contexts. Particular attention will be paid to both poetry and prose.
If you have any questions about courses, please contact your campus counselor(s) for assistance.
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