• Social Studies

  • World Geography

    Course ID: S40100
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9,10
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Students examine people, places, and environments at local, regional, national, and international scales from the spatial and ecological perspectives of geography. Students describe the influence of geography on events of the past and present with emphasis on contemporary issues. A significant portion of the course centers around the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment; the characteristics of major land forms, climates, and ecosystems and their interrelationships; the political, economic, and social processes that shape cultural patterns of regions; types and patterns of settlement; the distribution and movement of the world population; relationships among people, places, and environments; and the concept of region. Students analyze how location affects economic activities in different economic systems. Students identify the processes that influence political divisions of the planet and analyze how different points of view affect the development of public

    World Geography Honors

    Course ID: S40104
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9,10
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course represents an in-depth study of the concepts of World Geography. Students will pursue focused study of the interaction of people and cultures with their physical environments across geographic regions.

    AP Human Geography

    Course ID: S40105
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9,10
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?The AP Human Geography course is equivalent to an introductory college-level course in human geography. The course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth¡¯s surface. Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine socioeconomic organization and its environmental consequences. They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their research and applications. A College B oard approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will take the AP Human Geography exam in May.

    World History

    Course ID: S40200
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9,10
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?World History Studies surveys the history of humankind, focusing on significant people, events, and issues from ancient times to the present. Students analyze key historical events and issues in Western and global civilizations, explore the causes and effects of imperialism and revolutions, and examine the evolution of constitutional governments and political concepts. The course also covers the impact of geography, major religious and philosophical traditions, and the relationship between scien ce, technology, and industrial economies, using historical inquiry to research and interpret multiple sources of evidence.

    World History Honors

    Course ID: S40204
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9,10
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course is an in-depth study of the concepts presented in World History Studies. Students will engage in historical analysis, apply skills such as causation and contextualization to understand historical events and trends, and develop arguments based in evidence.

    AP World History: Modern

    Course ID: S40205
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 9, 10, 11
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?AP World History is designed to be the equivalent of a two semester introductory college or university world history course. In AP World History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in six historical periods from approximately 8000 B.C.E. to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical comparisons; and ut ilizing reasoning about contextualization, causation, and continuity and change over time. The course provides five themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: interaction between humans and the environment; development and interaction of cultures; state building, expansion, and conflict; creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems; and development and transformation of social structures

    US History

    Course ID: S40300
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?In United States History Studies Since 1877, which is the second part of a two-year study that begins in Grade 8, students study the history of the United States from 1877 to the present. The course content is based on the founding documents of the U.S. government, which provide a framework for its heritage. Historical content focuses on the political, economic, and social events and issues related to industrialization and urbanization, major wars, domestic and foreign policies, and reform movem ents, including civil rights. Students examine the impact of geographic factors on major events and eras and analyze their causes and effects. Students examine the impact of constitutional issues on American society, evaluate the dynamic relationship of the three branches of the federal government, and analyze efforts to expand the democratic process. Students describe the relationship between the arts and popular culture and the times during which they were created. Students analyze the impact

    AP United States History

    Course ID: S40305
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?AP U.S. History is designed to be the equivalent of a two semester introductory college or university U.S. history course. In AP U.S. History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods from approximately 1491 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical comparisons; and utilizing r easoning about contextualization, causation, and continuity and change over time. The course also provides seven themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: American and national identity; migration and settlement; politics and power; work, exchange, and technology; America in the world; geography and the environment; and culture and society. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course.

    US Government

    Course ID: S40400
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?In United States Government, the focus is on the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, functions, and powers of government at the national, state, and local levels. This course is the culmination of the civic and governmental content and concepts studied from kindergarten through required secondary courses. Students learn major political ideas and forms of government in history. A significant focus of the course is on the U.S. Constitution, its und erlying principles and ideas, and the form of government it created.

    AP United States Government & Politics

    Course ID: S40405
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?A study of American government from the colonial period through the contemporary era, the course requires extensive research in governmental processes. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. All students will take the AP U.S. Government exam in May. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course.

    Personal Financial Literacy and Economics

    Course ID: S40501
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Personal Financial Literacy and Economics builds on and extends the economic content and concepts studied in kindergarten-Grade 12 social studies in Texas. The course provides a foundation in both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Students will survey the impact of demand, supply, various industry structures, and government policies on the market for goods, services, and wages for workers. Macroeconomic study involves economic systems with an emphasis on free enterprise market systems, goals of full employment, price stability, and growth while examining problems such as unemployment and inflation and the policies enacted to address them. The course also builds on and extends the personal finance content and concepts studied in kindergarten-Grade 8 in mathematics in Texas. It is an integrative course that applies the same economic way of thinking developed to making choices about how to allocate scarce resources in an economy to how to make them at the personal level. The course requir

    Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits

    Course ID:
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits is the culmination of the economic content and concepts studied from kindergarten through required secondary courses. The focus is on the basic principles concerning production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services (the problem of scarcity) in the United States and a comparison with those in other countries around the world. Students analyze the interaction of supply, demand, and price. Students will investigat e the concepts of specialization and international trade, economic growth, key economic measure ments, and monetary and fiscal policy. Students will study the roles of the Federal Reserve System and other financial institutions, government, and businesses in a free enterprise system. Types of business ownership and market structures are discussed. The course also incorporates instruction in personal financial literacy. Students apply critical thinking skills using economic concepts to evaluate t

    AP Macroeconomics

    Course ID: S40505
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?This course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price determination and also develops students¡¯ familiarity with economic performance measures, economics growth and international economics. AP Macroeconomics includes topics generally covered in college courses. Extra time is required on the part of the AP students for class preparation, outside reading, sophisticated writing assignments and completion of projects or labs with complex problem solving. AP courses provide students with a learning experience equivalent to that obtained in most college introductory courses and will reflect the level of rigor and challenge that such a course would provide. A College Board approved syllabus is used for this course. All students will take the AP Macroeconomics exam in May.


    Course ID: S40600
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?In this elective course, students study the science of behavior and mental processes. Students examine the full scope of the science of psychology such as the historical framework, methodologies, human development, motivation, emotion, sensation, perception, personality development, cognition, learning, intelligence, biological foundations, mental health, and social psychology.

    AP Psychology

    Course ID: S4065AB
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?AP Psychology is a one-year college-level course. The course will consist of a theoretical and practical component utilizing research and presentation skills. In the theoretical portion of the course the student will learn about psychological concepts and principles. In the practical portion the student will demonstrate how to apply these principles and concepts in everyday matters of human activity. Throughout the course students will review scientific literature, consult with professionals in the field, and develop research skills as they propose a psychological experiment with a culminating presentation. This will require a thorough understanding of the material, as well as an active participation in class discussions and activities. All students will take the AP Psychology exam in May.


    Course ID: S40700
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?An elective course, Sociology is an introductory study in social behavior and organization of human society. This course will describe the development of the field as a social science by identifying methods and strategies of research leading to an understanding of how the individual relates to society and the ever-changing world. Students will also learn the importance and role of culture, social structure, socialization, and social change in today¡¯s society

    AP European History

    Course ID: S40800
    Credit: 1
    Grades: 11, 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?AP European History is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or university European history course. In AP European History students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in four historical periods from approximately 1450 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical comparisons; and utilizing reasoning about contextualization, causation, and continuity and change over time. The course also provides six themes that students explore throughout the course in order to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: interaction of Europe and the world; poverty and prosperity; objective knowledge and subjective visions; states and other institutions of power; individual and society; and national and European identity. A College Board approved syllabu

    Personal Financial Literacy

    Course ID: S40006
    Credit: 0.5
    Grades: 10, 11, 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Personal Financial Literacy, an elective course, will develop citizens who have the knowledge and skills to make sound, informed financial decisions that will allow them to lead financially secure lifestyles and understand personal financial responsibility. Students will apply critical thinking and problem solving skills to analyze decisions involving earning and spending, saving and investing, credit and borrowing, insuring and protecting, and college and postsecondary education and training. T his one-half elective credit course includes instruction in methods of paying for college and other postsecondary education and training along with completing the application for federal student aid provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Students analyze the relationship between education and training and earnings potential; evaluate the quality of potential college, postsecondary education, and training courses; evaluate the total cost of these programs; and analyze the advantages and di

    US History 1 (DUAL CREDIT) TWU 1013 TCC 1301

    Course ID: S4030D - TCC S4031D - TWU S4032D - BCTAL
    Credit: 3 semester college hours
    Grades: 11
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : ENGL-1301 with a grade of C or TSI compliant in reading.
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the pre-Columbian era to the Civil War/Reconstruction period. Includes the study of pre-Columbian, colonial, revolutionary, early national, slavery and sectionalism, and the Civil War/Reconstruction eras. Themes that may be addressed include: American settlement and diversity, American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration , and creation of the federal government.

    US History 2 (DUAL CREDIT) | TWU 1023 HHS | TCC 1301 BHS/RHS

    Course ID: S4030D - TCC S4031D - TWU S4032D - BCTAL
    Credit: 3 semester college hours
    Grades: 11
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : ENGL-1301 with a grade of C or TSI compliant in reading.
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the Civil War/ Reconstruction era to the present. Examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, and the Cold War and post-Cold War eras. Themes that may be addressed include: American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal governmen t, and the study of U.S. foreign policy.

    US Government (DUAL CREDIT) TCC 2305

    Course ID: S4040D - TCC S4041D - TWU S4042D - BCTAL
    Credit: 3 semester college hours
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : ENGL-1301 with a grade of C or TSI compliant in reading.
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?Origin and development of the U.S. Constitution, structure and powers of the national government including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, federalism, political participation, the national election process, public policy, civil liberties and civil rights.

    Economics (DUAL CREDIT) TCC 2301

    Course ID: S4050D - TCC S4051D - TWU S4052D - BCTAL
    Credit: 3 semester college hours
    Grades: 12
    Location: HS Campuses
    Department/ Program of Study: Social Studies

    : N/A
    Recommended: N/A

    Course Description
    :?An analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and determination of Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, national income, inflation, and unemployment. Other topics include international trade, economic growth, business cycles, and fiscal policy and monetary policy. Emphasis on the U.S. economy. Required for business and economics majors.

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