• ARD/IEP Committee


    What’s Required

    Each Local Educational Agency  (LEA) must establish an admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee for each eligible child with a disability and for each child for whom an initial Full and Individual Evaluation is conducted . The ARD/IEP Committee is the: (1) Eligibility team defined in federal law , .  (2) Individualized education program (IEP) team defined in federal law , . (3) Placement team defined in federal law , . The term IEP means a written statement for each child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised per the. The ARD Committee must review the child's IEP periodically, but not less frequently than annually, to determine whether the annual goals are being achieved. The ARD Committee must determine the child's placement at least annually . The ARD/IEP Committee may meet more often than annually to revise the student's IEP, as appropriate, to address: (1) any lack of expected progress toward the annual goals, (2) the results of any re-evaluation, (3) information about the student provided to, or by the parents, (4) anticipated needs of the student or (5) other concerns. A parent may request an ARD/IEP Committee meeting (at a mutually agreeable time) at any time to discuss educational concerns such as placement, IEP goals and objectives, and the extent of services being provided to the student. The school must either grant the parent's request to have a meeting or contact the to ask for assistance through mediation.

    ARD/IEP Committee Membership: The means a group of individuals composed of (; )

    • The parents of a child with a disability
    • No less than one regular education teacher for the child
    • No less than one special education teacher
    • A representative of the local education agency (LEA)
    • An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of the evaluation
    • Other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child
    • The child with a disability, whenever appropriate
    • A teacher who is certified in the education of children with auditory impairments for a child with a suspected or documented auditory impairment including suspected or documented deaf-blindness
    • A member of the language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC) when determining participation in state and district-wide assessments for a child with limited English proficiency, to address the child's language needs; and
    • A representative from Career and Technical Education (CTE), preferably the teacher when considering the initial or continued placement of a child in CTE.

    See Legal Framework References to Attendance and Excusal: and Legal Framework References to the:

    What We Do

    The ARD/IEP must be in effect at the beginning of each school year for every child with a disability. The ARD/IEP Committee includes the following participants (general composition):

    • A representative from the school district who is qualified to supervise the provision of specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities, who is knowledgeable about the general education curriculum, and who is knowledgeable about the availability of resources in the school district
    • The student's current special education teacher or special education provider must be appropriately certified or licensed
    • The appropriate general education teacher(s) who is responsible for implementing a portion of the student's IEP for those students who are receiving, or who are expected to receive, instruction in general education
    • The student, the student's parent(s), and/or a designated representative participate as follows:
      • A student 18 years of age or older who has not been judged by a court of law to be incompetent to manage personal affairs or who has not relinquished rights to parents in writing will participate in his/her ARD/IEP meeting.
      • A parent participates if the student is younger than 18 years of age, if the student is 18 years of age or older and has been judged by an appropriate court of law to be incompetent to manage personal affairs, or if an adult student has relinquished rights to his/her parent(s) in writing.
      • The district must be notified of a designated representative.
    • Other professional certified specialists as required:
      • Speech Therapists when students with speech impairments are being considered
      • An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results
      • A professional certified in the education of students with auditory impairments when students with auditory impairments are being considered
      • A professional certified in the education of the visually impaired when students with visual impairments are being considered
      • The Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher who will instruct the student is a member when the committee is considering placement in a CTE program.
      • The Life Skills or Work-Based Learning teacher if work-based learning is being proposed or discussed
      • The appropriate related services personnel (occupational and physical therapists, in-home trainers, etc.) when necessary
      • A professional representing the Language Proficiency Advisory Committee (LPAC) when a student with disabilities and limited English proficiency is being considered


    Duties of the ARD/IEP Committee

    The ARD/IEP Committee makes decisions concerning the educational program for students who are eligible to receive special education services. Among other responsibilities, the ARD/IEP Committee performs the following functions:

    • Reviews data from the student's assessment
    • Establishes eligibility for special education services
    • Develops and reviews the IEP and the Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP), completes the transition information section of the ARD/IEP Committee Report document, and incorporates information in the ARD/IEP Supplement: Personal Graduation Plan Addressing Needed Transition Services
    • Provides an audio-taped copy of the student's ARD/IEP Committee meeting in the parent's native language if the parent does not speak and understand English.  Provides an interpreter in the parent's native language.
    • Provide for educational placement in the least restrictive environment appropriate to meet the needs of the student
    • Makes decisions regarding promotion or retention of students with disabilities receiving special education services
    • Makes decisions about student participation in local and state assessments.

    Duties of the ARD Facilitator, Diagnostician, or Speech Language Pathologist:

    • Coordinate scheduling of ARD/IEP Committee meetings at a time mutually acceptable to the parent/adult student and other members.
    • Provide the parent/adult student with written notice of ARD/IEP Committee meetings at least 5 school days before the meeting.
    • Ensure the Notice of Procedural Safeguards Booklet is provided to parent/adult student or guardian with the Notice of ARD/IEP Committee meeting for every ARD/IEP Committee meeting.
    • Record the Notice of the ARD/IEP Committee meeting and booklet in the IEP/ARD software management system.
    • Conduct the ARD/IEP Committee meeting
    • ARD Facilitator or Diagnostician will take minutes
    • Facilitate resolution of problematic ARD/IEP Committee meetings.
    • Monitor the input of information in an ARD/IEP data management system (SuccessEd).
    • Ensure that proceedings of the ARD/IEP Committee meetings are recorded. (if appropriate)
    • Ensure all issues are followed up.

    Guidelines for ARD/IEP Meetings:

    • ARD/IEP meetings should be conducted efficiently.
    • ARD/IEP meetings will have a clear agenda. 
    • A copy of the draft IEP will be sent to parents, particularly the PLAAFP and goals, at least five days before the ARD/IEP meeting.
    • The campus staff, along with the Diagnostician/SLP will need to determine if there is a need for staffing before the ARD.  The purpose of the staffing is to review any new assessments, the PLAAFP, proposed goals, and objectives, and discuss proposals for a schedule of services, state assessment, transition, appropriate ARD supplements, and any other items relevant to the student.
    • Parents have a right to bring advocates to ARD/IEP meetings. All participants are expected to exhibit professional conduct during the meeting. Rudeness and abusive language cannot be tolerated and such behavior can be cause for discontinuation of the meeting.  If a parent(s) notify the staff that they are bringing an advocate to the meetings, follow the steps outlined in the department procedures.