• Parent Concerns


    What’s Required

    From time to time, disputes may arise between the parent(s) and the school district relating to the identification, evaluation, or educational placement or the provision of a , for a student with a disability. The encourages and supports the resolution of any dispute at the lowest level possible and in a prompt, efficient, and effective manner. The possible options for resolving disputes include, but are not limited to:

    • Meeting(s) of the student's Admission, Review, and Dismissal Committee;
    • Meeting(s) or conference(s) with the student's teachers;
    • Meetings or Conferences, subject to local school district policies, with campus Administrator(s), the Special Education Director of the district (or the shared services arrangement to which the district may be a party), the Superintendent of the district, or the Board of Trustees of the district;
    • Requesting an independent IEP Facilitator from TEA to facilitate an ARD Committee meeting with parties who are in dispute.  TEA sets conditions that must be met which are found in the ;
    • Requesting mediation through the following the and 34 CFR 300.506(b);
    • Filing a complaint with the following 34 CFR 300.153(b); or
    • Requesting a Due Process Hearing through the following and 34 CFR 300.507.

    Upon the filing of a request for a Due Process Hearing, the parent(s) and the school district shall also be provided with an opportunity to resolve the dispute through the Mediation Process established by 34 CFR 300.510(a).

    What We Do

    Local resolution is a voluntary process that should be the first option, giving parents and the district the chance to resolve any concerns.

    As a first step, the parent(s) should contact their child's school and speak to the Principal or Special Education Team Lead or Department Chairperson regarding a concern.

    If contacting the campus personnel is not providing a solution to the problem, the parent(s) should contact the Special Education office and discuss the concern that is occurring on campus and the individual will direct them to the appropriate Coordinator to discuss their concern. The Special Education office may be reached at 817-547-3700.

    If the Special Education Coordinator that is provided to you is not able to assist with a solution, the parent(s) should contact the Special Education office to speak with the Special Education Director at 817-547-3700.

    If all efforts to solve with the district are unsuccessful, the parent(s) or other interested parties can file a complaint with the .

    The parent(s) may also file a Due Process with TEA to resolve the issue(s) before a Special Education Hearing Officer.

    If the parties resolve any issues, the parents should contact TEA either verbally or in writing to request that the complaint/Due Process be withdrawn or that certain issues be dismissed.

    If any remaining issues were not resolved, TEA will evaluate whether it must investigate those issues.


    (Families Information Resources Support and Training) is a project of the Texas Education Agency and is committed to providing accurate and consistent information to parents & families of students with disabilities.

    The is a non-profit agency that operates the statewide network of federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers (PTI's) in Texas. The mission of PRN is to empower parents of children and youth with disabilities in their roles as parents, decision-makers, and advocates for their children and to promote partnerships among parents and professionals.

    TEA Toll-Free Parent Information Line: 1-800-252-9668 This toll-free message line is reserved for parents and other family members who have questions about student rights and regulatory requirements as they relate to special education complaint investigations, mediations, and due process hearings. Calls are returned by trained professionals during normal business hours. For individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing: TTY Number: (512) 475-3540 Relay Texas 7-1-1. Division of Federal and State Education Policy 1701 North Congress Avenue | Austin, Texas 78701-1494 Telephone: (512) 463-9414 | Fax: (512) 463-9560 E-mail: sped@tea.state.tx.us.

    (, ) is produced to implement Texas Education Code (TEC) Section 26.0081 requiring the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to create a comprehensive, easily understood document that explains the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process for a student in a Special Education Program. Additionally, the ARD Guide incorporates Parent's Rights and Responsibilities Concerning the ARD/IEP Process. The ARD/IEP Guide is intended to be a companion document to, not a replacement for, the , which identifies parents' rights and responsibilities in Federal law. The purpose of the ARD/IEP Guide is to encourage a common understanding for parents, school personnel, and communities of the IEP process for a student with disabilities.